Summer Comes Early to Downton
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Meanwhile, I have recently discovered Pinterest. It's a great online pinboard, wonderful for visual bookmarking. I'm having lots of fun collecting and grouping things. For years I have been the queen of subfolders, using them to organize my photos and other files. Pinterest makes that so quick and easy! If you have a few moments, you may enjoy visiting my boards. My favorite so far is Paradise. Adam and Eve may have lost Eden for the present, but there are still places where we can see glimpses of it. Imagine the entire earth looking like that, because one day soon, it will! On my other boards, you can see My Designs, Best Knitting Resources, Design Inspiration, Books I've read more than once (and will likely read again), and more. I hope you'll find something new that you will enjoy too.
I have another busy few weeks coming up, but there will be more patterns for you in the next couple months. In the works: a laceweight cardi in 9 sizes, great for the warm weather. The sample is approximately 70% complete. Stay tuned.