The pattern, released into the wild today, has options for a scarf in fingering or worsted weight and a cowl in worsted or bulky weight. Both are provided in written and charted format. It was super-addictive to knit - I made all four samples back-to-back-to-back. The stitch pattern is nothing complicated - only knit and purl. The blue one reminds me so much of a particular Police Box that I just had to 3D print a couple sonic screwdrivers to go with it. (For those of you who want to make one of your own, you can find the files at Thingiverse: 12's screwdriver here and 10's screwdriver top here. Paint them with nail polish, and you're all set.)

Did you know: Everyone is a time traveler! Einstein notwithstanding, we're all constantly moving forward in time at the rate of one second per second.
Happy knitting and time traveling,
Time Tunnel Scarf / Cowl - $6.95
Buy now or view details at Ravelry | Patternfish